RES 502 Online - Research Strategies


prepared by William Badke




This course consists of five assignments involving two topics each. There is no final examination.

The textbook for the course is:

William B. Badke, Research Strategies: Finding your Way Through the Information Fog, 6th edition (Bloomington, IN:, 2017).

Previous editions are out of date and should not be used.



You will be doing a set of assignments. Before you go too far, please consider the following principles:

Process is more important than product. This course majors on the development of effective and efficient strategies for research. As such, I want to know how you got to your results even more than I want to see the results. I need to be assured that you have grasped the strategies and that you are using them well. Thus you will often be asked to provide information on the methods you used to get the results you reported.

You are not alone.  If you have questions, or even if you're just feeling uncertain or distressed about the course, please contact Professor Badke: At ACTS, we really do want you succeed, and we'll do what we can to assist you.

Follow directions in your assignments exactly, not because your professor is a hard taskmaster but because proper learning demands that you pay attention to details. Just do everything step by step, and you should be fine.

Be prepared for a lot of feedback from your professor on your assignments.  It is very important that you pay close attention to assignment feedback, because it is a large part of your learning experience in this course. That is why it is essential that you do the assignments one at a time, leaving time for me to grade each before you send the next one.

You must successfully complete all assignments to pass the course.


The assignments in the course are built around two selected topics, which you may choose:

Research Topics for use if you have not found your own – Choose two:

Topics Table

Last updated: December 1, 2017