Research Strategies: Finding your Way Through the Information Fog, 7th ed. (, 2021)

William Badke 

"This book is the 'GPS' to the information highway" - DLite on Amazon

"Bill's work just keeps getting better and better ... just when you might have imagined that he had reached even his limit." - Charles on Amazon


About the Book

Now in its 7th edition, Research Strategies is the leading textbook for information research skill development among college and university students.

What's new

The Association of College and Research Libraries reviewer of an earlier edition for its Textbooks for Students web page wrote:

Badke walks the novice researcher through each stage of the information seeking process – from crafting a good research question and designing a search to selecting and using appropriate resources. Badke manages to gently contextualize the information environment, revealing complexities to the reader without being tedious or tiresome. By alerting students to the “fog,” he is able to make trickier concepts (controlled vocabularies, Boolean searching) more relevant. Instructors will find that Research Strategies is a perfect complement to their teaching as each of the ten chapters is well organized, divided into labeled sections, and ends with thoughtful comprehension questions.

Everyone does research. Some just do it better than others.

Are you ready for your next research project? Really ready? Do you have the skills and strategies to get the job done efficiently and effectively without panic attacks and the need for a long vacation when you’re done? Do you have confidence that you can start with a topic about which you know nothing and end with an understanding of it that is neither trite nor superficial? Are you prepared to enjoy the experience?

Hitch a ride with a highly experienced research instructor who had led thousands of students to become better researchers than they ever dreamed possible.  Research Strategies is no dull, painful recipe for boredom.  It’s filled with humor and a profound understanding of the student experience in a complex, technological information world.  Do you want freedom from the information fog?  Do you want to be a better researcher and get higher grades?  Then this book is most definitely for you.


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Contact William Badke

If you have any questions or comments on the book or information literacy instruction in general, please contact me at