Instructions and Due Dates for
RES 502, Summer 2018
1. This online course is
located at:
It is not password protected. You should not submit assignments through our Moodle course system. The syllabus and all
assignments, as well as assignment submission information are available through
the above website.
2. The textbook is Research Strategies: Finding your Way through the Information Fog, 6th ed. (Lincoln, NE:, 2017). For information on formats (including most e-book formats), see. Earlier editions are now out of date and should not be used.
3. To get into our
databases for assignment #3 and #4 through our web page - - you
will need the user name and password that use for TWUPass or Moodle. Read the registrar's information sheet, which you
will have received by e-mail. Further information is located at As you begin the course, be sure to test your access to our databases, by trying to log into
one of them, for example:
It is extremely important that you ensure that your database login works. Contact Professor Badke by e-mail if you have a problem with
logging in.
4. When you begin the
course, you will need to choose two topics upon which to base your assignments. These can be topics
from the list provided on the "assignments" page of the course,
topics of personal interest to you, or topics for which you are writing papers
in other courses. All assignments will be based on those two topics.
5. You should first read the "syllabus" in the course website (URL listed in 1. above), then move on to "assignments."
6. I have included an
assignment template for each assignment. Click on the link to download a rich
text format outline of your assignment to open in the word processor of your
choice. This will serve as your guide to make sure you complete all parts of
each assignment as directed.
7. As you complete each
of the five assignments, you may submit them to me by e-mail or in person. If
using e-mail, send them as attachments. You need to turn in each assignment
as you complete it. I accept assignments only one at a time, not submitted in
groups of more than one. Note
that you must complete all assignments with a passing grade in order to pass
the course.
8. Throughout the
course, I am just as interested in how you got your results as the results
themselves. Thus I constantly ask what sources you used, what terms you
searched with, etc. Please take this seriously and provide the requested
information. It is important to your grade.
9. You should contact me
by e-mail whenever you are having any problems with the course ( My phone number is 604-888-7511, ext. 3906, but you are much more likely to reach me by
10. Don't delay getting into the course. You'll likely find it more of a challenge than you thought, though most students actually survive it well.
11. Here are the assignment due dates:
502 OL Due Dates
500 K (Worldview |
May 22, 2018 |
ot taught summer 2018 |
June 12, 2018 |
July 3, 2018 |
July 24, 2018 |
August 14, 2018 |
If all assignments are not completed by the final due date, you will need to
download an "incomplete" form from
There is a fee, and your grade will be lowered if the
incomplete is not due to an illness, injury or family emergency. Note that we
have tightened up on incompletes - they are not available for such things as
underestimation of amount of work needed in the course, time pressures due to
other responsibilities, etc.
Have fun with the
course. Research is exciting. If you do not think so, it is only because you
have not been properly introduced to its joys. I hope to be doing that for you.